
A land of happiness and thunder dragon

Mesmerizing Bhutan

Rolling over the past, the official name of Bhutan has been 'Druk yul' meaning the Land of Thunder Dragon since the 17th century. Therefore, Bhutan appears only in the English Language. It is a landlocked country in the Eastern Himalayas, bordered by China in the South, Sikkim and Chumbi Valley in West and Arunachal Pradesh in the East. The kingdom of Bhutan is no doubt the most glorious and aesthetic place in the globe. The country is also famous as the 'Land of Monasteries' for the fact that Buddhism was first introduced in Bhutan in 7th century A.D. and well preserving its heritage admirably through years.

Bhutan is a Promised Land of varied flora and fauna, spectacular terrain, ancient Buddhist monasteries. It is a land of natural and man-made wonders that attracts thousands of tourists every year. The tourists are awed with the over-whelming vibrant culture and tradition of the people of Bhutan, their appearance, cuisine, sports, music, and dance. Perched high in the Himalayas, this land offers the most appealing and uninterrupted view of the breathtaking mountainous landscape, stunning valleys, lush greenery.

Bhutan has something for everybody so whatever be the purpose of the journey one should definitely go and see the real `Land of Happiness`.




The capital town of the small kingdom and center of government, religion, and commerce is the most happening & fascinating town.Thimpu is an exotic place of modernity and tradition.


The historic and enchanting town of Paro is distinguished with many sacred sites and monuments, hundreds of myths and legends leaving the visitors stunned. The mesmerizing view of the Himalayas and Mount Jumolhari, sacred pilgrimage sites, especially the Taktsang Monastery, popularly known as "Tiger's Nest" is something that makes the valley inviting. Other places you need to explore in Paro include the National Museum, the Paro Dzong, and the Drukgyel Dzong.


The Punakha Dzong , also called 'Palace of Happiness' is arguably the most beautiful place in the country. The wedding of Bhutan King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk and his fiancé, Jetsun Pema was held at Punakha Dzong. It is remarkably alluring especially in spring when the lilac-coloured jacaranda trees bring a lush of sensuality to the huge whitewashed walls of the Dzong. After exit, you can visit the 'dzong chung' and take blessings from a wish-fulfilling statue of `Sakyamuni`. There is a cremation ground towards the north of the dzong marked by a grand Chorten, and towards east is a royal palace.


Wangduephodrang also known as 'Wangdue' is a town in western Bhutan pretty view of the valley and the dzong. The town is famous for the tales of shaman culture, Lozeys of Shaa, an ancestral home of Pema Tshewang Tashi, the knight whose lozey still remains favourite amongst the Bhutanese, and its advanced bamboo work and slate carvings. Some tourists attraction places in Wangdue are the most beautiful Phobjikha Valley, Gangtey Monastery situated on the hill-top of Gangtey Village.


Tongsa also spelled as 'Trongsa' means 'new village'. The scenery around Trongsa is un-defining, the spectacular dzong extended along a ridge above a ravine is something that first comes to view. The town is a great place to visit. Places to visit in and around Trongsa are Chendbji Chorten, Trongsa Dzong, Ta Dzong, Kuenga Rabten, Semji Village.


Tales of Guru Padmasambhava still lingers in this sacred valley thus making it a religious heartland of the nation. Bumthang is a charming valley that takes you to Jambay Lhakhang, a monastery built to subdue evil spirits. Next destination around Bumthang or Jakar Valley is Membartsho (The Burning Lake) which is considered to be one of the greatest religious sites of Bhutan. Some others include Ugyenchholing Palace, Tang Valley, Pelseling Goempa, Konchogsum Lhakhang, Chankhar Lhakhang, etc.


Trashigang town of Bhutan is the junction of the east-west highway and a market place for semi-nomadic people from Merak and Sakteng. While a stay in Trashigang, one can visit Trashigang Dzong, the Gom Kora temple, a famous place where Guru Rimpoche performed meditation in order to subdue an evil spirit.


Situated in a small river valley, Trashiyangtse is a lovely town famous for its wooden crafts. The dazzling 'Chorten Kora' situated on the river bank below the town is a place worth seeing. In addition, Ranjung Woesel Chholing is a monastery perfect to catch the panoramic view of the entire valley.


Phuentsholing is a charming place where lies Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang, a temple which represents the heaven of Guru Rimoche. There are various statues of Guru and paintings on Buddha`s life. Kharbandi Goemba is another beautiful monastery that preserves the paintings of Lord Buddha.



Paro Airport is the country's only airport that serves international flights while Drukair is the national carrier well-connected to Paro that connects other countries. There are no existing railheads to Bhutan despite the country is accessible by road through Jaigaon. Vehicles can be accommodated for Thimpu arranged by Namah Tours from Bagdogra, Siliguri & Jaigaon.

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